The good news
None of us can completely turn the clock back when it comes to ageing, but there are many simple ways we can help keep the blood flowing more freely.
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Greying hair and wrinkles tell their own story of passing time. But what does getting older mean for our bodies on the inside - and what impact do the passing years have on our circulation?
While there's no denying that our circulatory systems become less efficient as we age, there's plenty we can do to boost circulation, no matter how many miles are on the clock.
Here, we explore both the effect of ageing on our heart and blood vessels, and what we can do to keep the blood pumping more healthy.
Our hearts are divided into two chambers, which pump blood around the body in a circulatory system.
The right-side of the heart pumps blood to the lungs, where it absorbs oxygen and releases bodily waste in the form of carbon dioxide.
The oxygen-rich blood is then delivered back to the left-side of the heart, where it's pumped away in large arteries, then smaller blood vessels and tiny capillaries to deliver the oxygen and nutrients our body need to function.
Capillaries also absorb carbon dioxide into the blood, which is then returned to the right-side of the heart in larger veins, to be sent back to the lungs for oxygenation. And so, the process begins again.
Even in healthy people, the heart and blood vessels change over time - a natural process that can start surprisingly young. From 20 onwards, gradual, age-related changes that can lead to poor circulation include:
And in addition to these natural changes, getting older also puts us more at risk of health conditions that can lead to poor circulation, such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure (hypertension) and obesity.
The reduced supply of oxygen and nutrients caused by poor circulation can affect us in many ways. Some of the most common symptoms of poor circulation are:
None of us can completely turn the clock back when it comes to ageing, but there are many simple ways we can help keep the blood flowing more freely.
Revitive Circulation Booster is a range of medical devices clinically proven to increase blood flow during use.
Irene, 78, from Camberley, was experiencing leg cramps - a common symptom of poor circulation. She says: "I was being woken in the night with cramp in my thighs particularly but since using the Revitive, I find that I'm not waking up with that problem. I keep it by my armchair, sit back, get my Kindle out and read for half an hour - it just totally relaxes me and I know it's doing my legs good as well."
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