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Working with the Medical Experts

We're constantly innovating and testing our Circulation Booster devices with leading medical experts and universities, investing in clinical trials to provide the best solution to our consumers.


“Your Health, Your Pharmacy” Initiative

With the increase of life expectancy we want to ensure the numbers of years we live are as healthy as possible and to do so we need to be aware of the health of our legs and the importance of monitoring poor circulation.

Unfortunately poor circulation or peripheral artery disease (PAD) is underdiagnosed for two main reasons:

  1. The variety of leg symptoms associated with the condition, with the most common being intermittent claudication*
  2. up to 60% of patients are asymptomatic **

For this reason, we partnered with the National Pharmacy Association (NPA) to increase the awareness of the impact of poor circulation and enable thousands of customer to take care of their legs in an effective and drug-free way!


The National Pharmacy Association (NPA) is the representative body for 6,000 community pharmacies nationwide. Pharmacists are highly skilled professionals, at the frontline of healthcare, overseeing more than 1.5 million patient visits to pharmacies daily and dispensing over 1 billion prescriptions annually.

With the NHS being under constant and increasing pressure, there are now plans to ‘make more of the clinical skills of community pharmacists’ (NHS Long Term Plan).

With pharmacies on almost every high street providing access to 96% of the population within a 20-minute journey time, no appointment necessary, longer opening hours and consulting areas on site, the government is encouraging people to see pharmacies as the first port of call for advice and treatment for common illnesses.

To this end and as part of the wider Ask Your Pharmacist Campaign, the NPA will be launching a new health and wellbeing initiative, to encourage fuller use of pharmacies and provide people with the very best thought leadership and guidance, to keep them as fit, healthy and active as possible.

*McDermott MM. Lower extremity manifestations of peripheral artery disease. The pathophysiologic and functional implications of leg ischemia. Circ Res. 2015;116(9):1540–50

**Criqui MH, Matsushita K, Aboyans V, Hess CN, Hicks CW, Kwan TW, et al. Lower extremity peripheral artery disease: contemporary epidemiology, management gaps, and future directions: a scientifc statement from the American Heart Association. Circulation. 2021;144(9):e171–91

Revitive is proud to sponsor and support this National Pharmacy asociation's initiative

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