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Are you one of the millions of people suffering from Osteoarthritis?

We may have an ideal device for you

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Relieves persistent leg aches & pains

 Image of the medic knee device

Medic Knee

Relieves knee pain as well as fights tired, aching legs

NEW and IMPROVED Medic Coach

NEW and IMPROVED Medic Coach

Complete Leg & Knee Therapy


What is Arthritis

Did you know, 8.8 million people in the UK have Osteoarthritis.

And over half have Osteoarthritis of the Knee.

Osteoarthritis is a condition in which the joints of the body become damaged, stop moving freely and become painful. It's the most common form of arthritis in the UK. Arthritis in the knee causes the cartilage in your knee joint to become thinner, meaning that your knee doesn’t move as smoothly as it should, causing swelling, pain and stiffness.

For more information on Osteoarthritis and living with the condition, visit: Versus Arthritis

What are the Arthritis symptoms?


The pain tends to be worse when you move your joint at the start or end of the day. If you have severe osteoarthritis, you may feel pain more often.


Swollen legs are a common symptom of knee arthritis. The swelling may be hard (caused by osteophytes) or soft (caused by synovial thickening and extra fluid) and the muscles around your joints may look thin or wasted.

Not being able to use your joints normally

Your joints may not move as freely or as far as normal. Sometimes it may give way because your muscles have weakened or your joints have become less stable. Exercises to strengthen your muscles can help to prevent this.

Grating/grinding sensation (crepitus)

Your joints may creak or crunch as you move.


Your joints may feel stiff after rest, but this usually wears off as you get moving.

Speak to your pharmacist and find out how Revitive is also suitable for those with osteoarthritis. Revitive uses EMS technology to activate the nerves in your body and stimulate the muscles in your thighs as well as your legs and feet which can improve the symptoms of knee arthritis.

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