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If you want good blood circulation, then Revitive is for you

50% of adults spend most of their work day sitting (ABS, March 2022). The risk of circulatory diseases including heart disease and stroke, and other chronic conditions such as type 2 diabetes, increases when we are sedentary and do not exercise enough. In fact, over 4 million Australians, 16.6%, live with a circulatory disease (Australian Health Survey 2017-18). The health of every body part depends on your circulation. Blockages and bleeds can lead to heart attack, stroke or vascular dementia, or to leg aches and pains, cramps and foot ulcers. Often though, there is no sign that your heart and vessels are having a hard time keeping your body supplied with blood, and so it’s good to get a better understanding the impact poor blood circulation has on your health.


What is blood circulation?

On average, the human heart beats 70-80 beats per minute every hour of every day of a person’s life. Each heartbeat is expected to push blood through thousands of miles of blood vessels and then back to the lungs and heart.

Circulation is the process by which blood moves throughout the blood vessels of the human body. Circulation delivers life-supporting blood components, such as oxygen, throughout the body and returns waste and deoxygenated blood back to the lungs and heart.

Good circulation is when blood moves through the body unimpeded and does its job of delivering nutrients, oxygen, and blood components to the body’s cells while removing waste and deoxygenated blood. Proper circulation depends on a combination of a healthy heart and a strong circulatory system.


What are the causes of poor blood circulation?

Poor circulation is often a symptom of other medical issues such as high blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol, obesity, or damage to the body which restricts blood flow. Body tissues need a constant supply of nutrition, hydration, and infection fighting components such as white blood cells to grow and thrive. Body tissues also require timely removal of waste products. Both peripheral artery disease (blood flowing towards the tissue, away from the heart) and venous insufficiency (blood flowing away from the tissue to the heart) can cause a slowing of the entire circulatory process.


How does poor blood circulation affect the legs and feet?

Although poor circulation impacts all areas of the body, sometimes it is first noted in the legs and feet. This is because the lower extremities are the furthest body parts from the heart, and also the part of the circulatory system most affected by gravity. It’s more difficult to pump blood “uphill” to return to the heart and lungs. This is the reason people with swollen legs and feet are instructed to elevate their legs in an effort to provide “downhill” blood flow. Symptoms of impaired circulation can vary, but any degree of impaired circulation can impact the individual’s ability to complete daily life skills and activities.

Symptoms of poor circulation may include:

  • Fatigue
  • Coolness of extremities
  • Weakness
  • Increased skin breakdown
  • Cellulitis
  • Increased risk of infection
  • Blood clotting related to pooling of the blood
  • Cramps
  • Poor wound healing

Symptoms of poor circulation may start with tired legs but, without treatment, can progress into more serious issues such as venous ulcers and necrosis.


Why is it important to address poor blood circulation?

As a person ages, medical conditions such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, or weight gain, can cause damage to the arteries, including the arteries in the legs. Plaque build-up and thickening blood vessel walls can restrict the flow of blood through the arteries.

As blood vessels narrow, oxygen-rich blood to the muscles and tissues is reduced, causing pain, cramp, tiredness, weakness, and a “heavy” feeling. In clinical trials of the Circulation Booster by Revitive, oxygen-rich blood flow was shown to increase to both the legs and feet during use.

Also, legs and feet are more likely to have issues with circulation because they are the areas of the body furthest from the heart. Blood has farther to go when leaving the heart, and requires more work to fight gravity on its way back.

Leg veins lead back to the lungs as well, and are therefore very important to overall circulation. But they do not have a pumping action of their own. For good circulation to occur, the legs and feet rely on movements - such as walking - to keep the blood flowing and returning to the heart.

The Circulation Booster by Revitive can also play a role. It has been clinically proven to significantly increase the flow of venous blood back to the heart during use.


How can Revitive help?

Revitive stimulates the nerve-endings in the soles of your feet. This in turn gets the muscles in the feet and calf pumping, thereby delivering fresh oxygenated blood back to the nerves in your feet and legs.

By getting the muscles moving, it draws more fresh oxygenated blood into your feet and legs via the arteries while also returning the waste and carbon-dioxide back to the heart via the veins.

  • Improves circulation
  • Relieves aches and pains
  • Improves leg muscle strength and endurance

What are the benefits of using Revitive Circulation Booster?

A study published in 2020 in the British Journal of Surgery looked at the effectiveness of Revitive Circulation Booster when compared to exercise alone.

The patients in the study had a history of pain while walking, caused by Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD). Patients were split into groups: an exercise-only group working under supervision, and another exercise group under supervision using Revitive Circulation Booster everyday for a minimum of 30 minutes each day.

The trial lasted 6 weeks, and at the conclusion both groups saw an improvement in their ability to walk distances before experiencing pain. But the improvement with Revitive was much greater.

The Exercise + Revitive Circulation Booster group saw an improvement of 40.4 metres (131ft), while the Exercise Only group saw an improvement of only 7.6 metres2. The Exercise + Revitive Circulation Booster group had a 3X more improvement in pain-free walking versus the Exercise Only group (65% vs 17%)3.


Does Revitive improve blood circulation?

Poor blood circulation can affect any part of the anatomy. However, poor circulation in the legs impacts an individual’s ability to complete many activities involved in daily living. Using the Circulation Booster by Revitive can improve blood circulation.

A pilot study was done in 2014 for the Revitive Circulation Booster, involving 30 healthy individuals using the device for 30 minutes. The study reported a significant increase in both vein and artery blood flow during device use (flow to and from the heart) without causing significant discomfort to the user1.


Does Revitive really work?

Yes it does. The Circulation Booster by Revitive is the only device of its kind that has been medically registered as an adjunctive device treatment to temporarily reduce pain, swelling and cramping for people with conditions or diseases that are associated with poor blood flow in the legs and feet.

Developed by physical therapists and tested by vascular surgeons, Revitive has been demonstrated to provide results in 6 to 8 weeks with daily use. The Revitive Circulation Booster is a useful supplemental treatment for individuals with poor circulation in their feet and legs, and is clinically proven to increase circulation during use.

Only the Circulation Booster by Revitive uses patented OxyWave muscle stimulation technology to provide Neuroelectrical Muscle Stimulation (NMES) to the feet and legs.

  • Designed by Physiotherapists
  • Tested by Vascular Surgeons
  • Endorsed by APA (Australian Physiotherapists Association)
  • Registered Medical Device
  • Demonstrated results in 6-8 weeks
  • Drug-free leg pain relief

More on Blood Circulation

A-Z of Blood Circulation

The health of every body part depends on your circulatory system

Impact of Poor Circulation

Why your leg aches and pains may signal a more serious problem

  1. Varatharajan L, Williams K, Moore H, Davies AH. The effect of footplate neuromuscular electrical stimulation on venous and arterial haemodynamics. 2015 Oct;30(9):648-650. DOI: 10.1177/0268355514542682.
  2. Babber A, Ravikumar R, Onida S, Lane TRA, Davies AH. Effect of footplate neuromuscular electrical stimulation on functional and quality-of-life parameters in patients with peripheral artery disease: pilot, and subsequent randomized clinical trial. Br J Surg. 2020;107(4):355-363. doi:10.1002/bjs.11398.
  3. Independent Statistical Report of Baber 2020 walking distance [on File at Actegy.]

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