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Fight leg aches & pains

Revitive Medic is the Circulation Booster endorsed by the Australian Physiotherapy Association, that uses professional-strength OxyWave Technology to stimulate the muscles in your legs and feet which could :

  • Reduce leg aches & pains
  • Reduce cramp
  • Reduce swelling
  • Increase walking distance before pain
  • Actively improve leg circulation
Save $ 70.00
Worth $ 499.00
$ 429.00
$ 107.25/fortnight with Afterpay
  • Revitive Circulation Booster is a registered medical device, developed and tested with vascular surgeons and physiotherapists.

  • Revitive works with your body, getting your calf muscles pumping to help relieve leg aches and pains without the need for medication.

  • Revitive has been tested in several clinical studies involving patients with PAD, CVI and healthy individuals.

Consult with your health care professional before use. Do not use if fitted with an electronic implanted device such as a heart pacemaker or Automatic Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (AICD), you are pregnant, being treated for, or have symptoms of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT): such as pain, swelling and tenderness, heavy ache, warm or red skin in the leg. Always read the label. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your doctor

Georgie Parker. Drop the act. Drop the ache with Revitive
Discover how Revitive Medic works

What is Revitive Medic?

Good circulation is vital for good health, but certain medical conditions (including Diabetes, Osteoarthritis, High Cholesterol or High Blood Pressure), age, smoking and even just being less active can all cause circulation problems. These problems can lead to a wide range of symptoms, such as leg aches and pains, cramp or swollen feet and ankles.

Revitive Medic is a drug-free medical device which uses Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS) to increase oxygen-rich blood flow and is clinically proven to increase circulation during use.

Revitive helps to activate muscles in your legs and feet which could alleviate these problems – helping you to continue doing the things you love.


How Medic Works

Revitive Medic uses professional-strength OxyWave Technology to stimulate the muscles in your legs and feet so that they contract and relax. It is clinically proven to actively improve circulation during use, and relieve aches and pains in the legs.

Revitive Medic provides full body pain management using two proven technologies, EMS (Electrical Muscle Stimulation) and TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation). Stimulation via TENS may provide relief from chronic pain elsewhere in the body such as shoulder and elbow, and temporary pain relief to the lower back.


OxyWave Technology combines a deep understanding of electrical muscle stimulation and circulation. Its patented waveforms significantly increase oxygen-rich blood flow to the legs and feet, relieving aches & pains for greater pain-free walking and is clinically proven to increase circulation during use.

Innovative technology from Revitive Medic

Medic Program

With OxyWave Technology at the core, the Medic Program is clinically proven to increase circulation during use.

Maximum IsoRocker
Maximum IsoRocker

Patented system enables increased ankle joint movement to replicate heel-toe raises as the leg muscles contract and relax.

Dual Mode

Combines EMS & TENS technologies for full body pain management. Stimulation via reusable electrode body pads provide maximum relief from joint, muscular, nerve or arthritic pain.


Use almost anywhere. Fully charged it lasts up to 210 minutes - 7x 30min sessions.

Intensity Level

1 - 99

Adjustable Timer

Easily adjusted for longer or shorter therapy sessions

Remote Control

Control at your fingertips for ease-of-use

Soft Touch Pads™
Soft Touch Pads™

Over-sized soft, silicone foot-pads for superior comfort & the most effective muscle stimulation

What is in the box

Revitive Medic
Electrode Body Pads
Electrode Cord
Remote Control - AAA batteries x2

Who cannot use Revitive?

Do not use if:

  • You are fitted with an electronic implanted device such as a heart pacemaker or Automatic Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (AICD)
  • You are being treated for, or have the symptoms of an existing Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
  • You are pregnant.

Our promise to you

Save $10 on any Revitive Circulation Booster

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