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Australian Physiotherapy Association Endorse Revitive Circulation Booster
We are proud to announce that, after stringent clinical assessment, the Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) has agreed to provide professional endorsement for Revitive Circulation Booster.
The APA review required that Revitive Circulation Booster meet their high standards in the following areas:
- Valid certification with Therapeutic Goods Administration Australia
- Clinical evidence to ensure compliance and validity of claims
- Review and testing of Revitive Circulation Booster
The review process and reporting were completed by the Head of Musculoskeletal Group in consultation with the APA national group.
At Revitive, we are constantly striving to help customers find drug-free relief from their pain and help them live more active lives.
We are confident this stamp of endorsement by the Australian Physiotherapy Association will boost consumer confidence in Revitive and help more of them choose Revitive Circulation Booster.
Media Link:
Australian Physiotherapy Association
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