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Restless Legs


Restless legs is a common feeling that causes an overwhelming urge to move the legs. It can cause a painful sensation in the feet, calves and thighs, which is often worse in the evening or at night.


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What are the symptoms of restless legs?

Mild cases of restless legs that aren't linked to an underlying health condition may not require any treatment other than making a few lifestyle changes.

    These include:
  • Exercising regularly during the daytime
  • Adopting good sleep habits (following a regular bedtime ritual, sleeping regular hours, and avoiding alcohol and caffeine late at night)
  • Quitting smoking
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Successful Clinical Trials
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FDA-Cleared Medical Device
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How can Revitive help?

Revitive Circulation Booster uses patented Electrical Muscle Stimulation to get the muscles in the feet and calf pumping.

By getting the muscles moving, it draws more fresh oxygenated blood into your feet and legs via the arteries while also returning the waste and carbon-dioxide back to the heart via the veins.

  • Improves circulation
  • Relieves aches and pains
  • Improves leg muscle strength and endurance

See your Doctor if your symptoms last a long time.

Expert recommendations

Image of Todd Walton smiling at the camera

With Revitive Medic you can now put this powerful therapy to work at home to help relieve the effects of poor circulation.”

Todd Walton, Physical Therapist CSCS and former Marine, Tigard, Oregon

Image of DR Emily Splichal smiling at the camera

"Revitive increases your circulation and relieves your feet & legs by getting the calf to pump fresh blood through your legs.”

DR Emily Splichal, Functional Podiatrist

Find the right Circulation Booster

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Relieve tired, aching feet and legs

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Best Seller - Fight leg aches & pains


 Image of Sherry and Jerry smiling at the camera
"I am now back on my feet dancing again! My granddaughter asked me to dance with her. I was able to dance two long dances and I would never have been able to do that without Revitive." Jerry Petry, OR
Image of Maureen and Dennis smiling and walking towards the camera
He walks better, he feels better! Dennis' legs were holding him back. After using Revitive, Dennis noticed a huge difference. In Maureen's words: "He walks better, he feels better, he feels stronger." Maureen & Dennis, El Segundo CA

Now you can't keep me out of my garden! I love this machine because it really helps me walk better and I use it faithfully because I have such poor circulation. Now you can't keep me out of my garden! 

Gloria, Chicago IL