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Revitive Ultrasound: at-home Physiotherapy
Pain relief just where you need it
Revitive Ultrasound (formerly known as ‘Ultralieve’) is an easy to use, drug-free medical device, for those with aches & pains, muscle pain or lower back pain.
Ultrasound is used by physiotherapists to help repair damage and relieve pain by accelerating the healing process.
Do more without aches & pains, with Revitive Ultrasound.
Pain Relief and Muscle Repair
The ability to move with freedom is vital to our everyday lives. Muscle aches & pains - from overusing a muscle, from exercise or sport or from simple everyday things like gardening or playing with the kids or grandkids - can get in the way of this.
Revitive Ultrasound uses ultrasound technology which could relieve aches and pains, and promote healing of a wide range of injuries:
- Muscle aches, strains & sprains
- Sports injuries
- Tendon & ligament injury
- Tendonitis
- Bursitis
How does it work?
Revitive Ultrasound is a handheld ultrasound device that emits high-frequency sound vibrations to help relieve pain and promote tissue repair.
Ultrasound is a drug-free medical device, commonly used by physiotherapists and is designed to be used in the home.
Revitive Ultrasound has 3 intensity levels - information is included in the box to help you select the correct level for your health needs - from recent occurring pain, to pain that has been around for much longer.
Whether it’s gardening, looking after the kids, or going for a long walk, the ability to move with freedom is vital to your everyday life. We believe Revitive Ultrasound may help to support your body’s natural healing process so you can keep doing the things you love.
Revitive Ultrasound helps speed up the healing process
By aiding in the transport of essential ions and nutrients to cells within the body, Revitive Ultrasound helps to repair and relieve pain at the source.
Tailored treatment for your needs
Revitive Ultrasound has 3 intensity levels so that you can tailor the treatment to your needs. The correct intensity level is determined by the depth of your injury and how long you’ve been experiencing pain.
Revitive Ultrasound emits sound waves which penetrate the body. Set the intensity of your treatment to suit the depth and size of your injury / area of pain. A therapy application table is provided to show exactly the time and intensity level you should use.
Depending on your pain, daily use of Revitive Ultrasound for as little as 2 minutes may be all you need to get back to your best.
Speak to your Pharmacist and find out how Revitive Ultrasound:
may help to relieve muscle pain or pain from osteoarthritis
uses drug-free technology and is a Class IIa Medical Device
How to use Revitive Ultrasound - 3 simple steps
Revitive Ultrasound is an easy to use drug-free therapeutic ultrasound device. Ultrasound therapy is used and respected by medical professionals in the treatment of soft tissue aches, strains and pains.

What users of Revitive Ultrasound say
I have been using it regularly on my tennis elbow. I really notice when I don't use it that the pain is worse!
Revitive Ultrasound should not be:
- Used for the treatment of malignancy (application over a suspected or confirmed tumour)
- Used on the skin over electronic implants, including pacemakers or defibrillators
- Used on an infected or bleeding area, including tuberculosis
- Used on the skin over vascular (blood vessel) abnormalities (such as haemangioma, capillary, lymphatic, arterial or arterio-venous malformations)
- Used directly on the abdomen or lower back of pregnant women
- Applied directly over active epiphysis regions (growth plates), in the presence of myositis ossificans (bone formed within the muscle) or over the eyes, skull or reproductive organs
- Used over open wounds or fragile or damaged skin eg eczema
- Used on the front of the neck over the carotid sinus
- Used over spinal abnormalities e.g. spina bifida, following laminectomy
- Used over active deep vein thrombosis or thrombophlebitis
- Used on recently irradiated tissue (within 6 months)
- Used on heart, eye, testes, near brain, cervical ganglia, spine, laminectomy sites (can cause spinal cord bleeding)
- Used by individuals who do not comprehend the instructions for application
If you have any doubts about the suitability of Revitive Ultrasound, please consult your healthcare professional before use.
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